Today is Kyle’s Birthday, My Mother’s Birthday, and Kyle’s Grandparent’s 68th Wedding Anniversary. We celebrated their Wedding Anniversary on Saturday and tonight we are going out to a delicious Mexican Restaurant to celebrate the Birthdays. We also went to out to breakfast and lunch so they could get their free meals. All the yummy food has had me thinking about New Years Resolutions, eating healthy (even when out to eat), working out, etc.
So I want to know what you’re resolutions are! Have you failed them already or are you still going strong? So many people fail prior to Feb. 1st, it’s crazy! I didn’t make any specific “Resolutions” party because I get this feeling of automatically failing them since it’s so common. I did make some specific goals before the New Year that I have been focusing on more after the Holidays. I find it easier to set one big goal and then a few little goals that will help you achieve the larger goal. So my larger goal is to get healthy which has been a challenge over the last 4 years with constant health problems. My smaller goals that I set are to workout 4-5 days a week, watch what I eat and how much (I’ve been counting calories), eat out less, cut down on drinking soda, and remember to take my vitamins and use my essential oils more often (love EO!). I’ve actually been doing pretty great at achieving my goals. Since the New Year started, I’ve worked out every day except Saturdays and Sundays, I’ve consistently stayed under my calorie goal, we’ve eaten at home more, and while my goal was to cut down on soda, I’ve actually not had any since New Years Eve so going 21 days and strong. According to my scale, I’m down 10 pounds which is a pretty great motivator to continue.
So tell us all about your Resolutions and how you are doing with them.
P.S. If you have some amazing healthy recipes that you just love, send us an email at and share! We’re always looking for new healthy recipes and if you want, we’ll even feature them on the blog.
And just for fun, here’s some pictures for ya
Happy Birthday Mom! Isn’t she pretty? Best. Mom. EVER!
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