I love my chore chart! I don’t ALWAYS complete the list but I do try my best. Having the chart breaks down the chores into small sections that don’t require a lot of time and therefore, makes keeping a clean house, a lot less stressful.
First I’ll share what my chore chart looks like.
1. Make the bed (I’m the worst at this one!)
2. Sort the incoming mail. This way it doesn’t pile up on the table, in the office, or on the buffet.
3. Wipe down kitchen. I’ve been making a huge effort to clean while I cook. It makes the biggest difference! I can enjoy my dinner knowing that all I have to do afterwards it put a few dishes in the dishwasher.
4. Dishes. It makes my heart happy to go to bed with a clean kitchen and the dishes put away or put in the washer. Helps me sleep like a baby.
I divided other chores throughout the week. Doing smaller chores throughout the week helps to make cleaning not such an overwhelming task and helps to keep it more organized.
I’m blessed to have a husband who is so willing to help out (when he isn’t studying for school or the Bar exam) He’ll help out with dishes and mow the lawn and clean the bathroom every now and then. I tell him that it specifically states in our marriage license that his responsibilities are taking out the trash & recycle, killing all bugs, and mowing the lawn. He says he has no recollection of such an agreement but does it none the less. Swooon, isn’t he dreamy?!?
Saturday is the “heavy” chore day with yard work and 1 room deep clean on the schedule. Our deep cleaning includes cleaning the windows, baseboards, fans, appliances, any needed organization, and a good vacuum and dusting (furniture polish if needed) If the rooms are kept clean on a regular basis than the deep cleaning doesn’t take too much time.
Now for the free printables. I left them blank so you can frame them and then use a dry erase marker to fill them in.
I love the quotes at the top and bottom. Mr. Awesome makes marriage so fun and fairly easy that housework really is my hardest task. The quote on the bottom is inspired by my mother who, growing up, would always tell me that if I just picked up things and put them away as I used them, I wouldn’t have much to clean. Wow, it’s like I can hear her voice as I write that. I didn’t exactly take her advice growing up, it was just too much fun to drive her crazy. As an adult though, you often realize how many times your mother was right. Just try not to tell them that too often, they’ll get a big head :)
Happy Cleaning!
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